Karl Marx

Karl Marx

Anderson, Kevin B.; Ollman, Bertell

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Contents: Introduction; Part I Theory and Method: Reification and the consciousness of the proletariat, Georg LukA!cs; The age of revolutions: industrial, social-political, intellectual, Raya Dunayevskaya; Putting dialectics to work: the process of abstraction in Marx's method, Bertell Ollman; The unity of science and revolution: Marxism as critique, Peter G. Stillman; Karl Marx's EnquA?te Ouvriere, Hilde Weiss (and Karl Marx). Part II Political Economy: From financial crisis to world slump: accumulation, financialization and the global slowdown, David McNally; Self-sourcing: how corporations get us to work without pay!, Martha E. Gimenez; The reproduction of daily life, Fredy Perlman; The rise and future demise of the world capitalist system: concepts for comparative analysis, Immanuel Wallerstein; The 'new' imperialism: accumulation by dispossession, David Harvey. Part III State and Politics: The constitution as an elitist document, Michael Parenti; The monopolistic economy: property and contract, Franz Neumann; The worldwide class struggle, Vincent Navarro; The economic and social functions of the legal institutions, Karl Renner; The problem of the capitalist state, Nicos Poulantzas; Reply to Nicos Poulantzas, Ralph Miliband; The Marxist case for revolution today, Ernest Mandel. Part IV The Individual and Society: Psychoanalysis and sociology, Erich Fromm; The uses and abuses of 'civil society', Ellen Meiksins Wood; Labor market and penal sanction: thoughts on the sociology of penal justice, Georg Rusche; The injuries of class, Michael D. Yates; Sports and cultural politics: the attraction of modern spectator sports, Sut Jhally and Bill Livant. Part V Culture and Religion: The culture industry: enlightenment as mass deception, Max Horkheimer and Theodor W. Adorno; Museum, Inc.: inside the global art world (over-the-cliff notes), Paul Werner; The cultural logic of late capitalism, Fredric Jameson; Aroma and shadow: Marx vs Nietzsche on religion, Ishay Landa. Part VI History: Exploitation, E.P. Thompson; The feudal mode of production, Perry Anderson; The decline and fall of Rome, G.E.M. de Ste Croix. Part VII Colonialism, Race and Gender: Negroes in the Civil War: their role in the second American revolution, C.L.R. James (J.R. Johnson); Race relations - its meaning, beginning and progress, Oliver C. Cox; The feminist standpoint: developing the ground for a specifically feminist historical materialism, Nancy C.M. Hartsock; Marx's late writings on non-Western and precapitalist societies and gender, Kevin B. Anderson. Part VIII Ecology: Marx's ecology in historical perspective, John Bellamy Foster; Marx's vision of sustainable human development, Paul Burkett; Name index.
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Vice Versa;Bill Livant;Marx's Dialectical Method;C.L.R. James;NLR.;David Harvey;Military Expenditures;David Mcnally;Marx's Abstractions;E.P. Thompson;Contemporary Society;Ellen Meiksins Wood;Superimposed;Erich Fromm;Marx's Late Writings;Ernest Mandel;Determinate Social Formation;Franz Neumann;Spatio Temporal Fix;Fredric Jameson;Spatio Temporal;Fredy Perlman;Civil Society;G.E.M. De Ste. Croix;Ethnological Notebooks;Georg Luk?;Developed Capitalist World;Georg Rusche;European World Economy;Hilde Weiss;Abstract Masculinity;Immanuel Wallerstein;Direct Democracy;Ishay Landa;Vulgar Political Economy;John Bellamy Foster;Class Society;Karl Renner;United States;Martha E. Gimenez;Race Relation;Max Horkheimer;Atm Card;Michael D. Yates;State Repressive Apparatus;Michael Parenti;Relation Ship;Nancy C. M. Hartsock;Feudal Mode;Nicos Ponlantzas;Oliver C. Cox;Paul Burkett;Paul Werner;Perry Anderson;Peter G. Stillman;Ralph Miliband;Raya Dunayevskaya;Sul Jhally;Theodor W. Adorno;Vincent Navarro