Engineer of Revolutionary Russia

Engineer of Revolutionary Russia

Iurii V. Lomonosov (1876-1952) and the Railways

Heywood, Anthony

Taylor & Francis Ltd






15 a 20 dias


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Introduction; 1: The Making of a Russian Engineer; 2: First Steps in Railway Engineering; 3: Engineering Professor; 4: The Russian Revolution of 1905; 5: Applications of Science on the Russian Railways, 1908-1914; 6: War and Revolution, 1914-1917; 7: America and the Bolshevik Revolution; 8: Building the New Russia; 9: The Diesel Revolution; 10: 'A Free Soviet Citizen Abroad'; 11: Retirement and Remembrance
putei;soobshcheniia;locomotive;testing;diesel;locomotives;traction;st.;petersburg;party;Diesel Electric Locomotive;Putei Soobshcheniia;Young Man;Internal Combustion Locomotive;STO;Diesel Traction;Kiev Polytechnic Institute;Diesel Locomotive;Steam Locomotive;Soviet Railways;Tashkent Railway;Railway Mission;Dynamometer Data;Road Tests;Diesel Work;Russian Social Democratic Workers;Locomotive Testing;Provisional Government;KPI;Locomotive Class;MPS Official;St Petersburg;SD Party;Tsarskoe Selo;Engineering Council